In The style of
Scott Csoke
Meet our friend Scott Csoke, an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Scott is an avid lover of Staffordshire dogs and Diet Dr. Pepper and is trying not to complain as much this month. (Aren’t we all?) Stroll through the Upper East Side with us as we dive into Scott’s artistry & discover what queerness, Nicki Minaj, and Dorothy Parker all have in common. This Pride Month and every month, we encourage everyone to embrace their personal style and "Wear What Makes You Happy." Scott is a beaming example of just that.
What does style mean to you?
Style means everything to me. It is really an opportunity to express myself in the most
vulnerable way possible. It should be honest and less trend driven. Trends can help, but I think sometimes it clouds authenticity.
How does your style relate to your work?
I think I see them as one in the same. They inform each other. They’re both colorful, playful, and somehow people can’t help but stare.
What inspires your perspective and process?
Queerness is how I see everything. Using it to distort perspective (my own and others’) as well as inform anyone who is viewing. My process is very organic, I think. I usually have an idea for a painting that pops into my head and I have to paint it. I’m an extremely visual thinker, so I think the creative process starts there. Words and wordplay are definitely inspirational as well (Fran Lebowitz, Dorothy Parker, Nicki Minaj).
Why do you create?
It truly feels like something that I have to do. I feel guilty when I don’t do it or don’t listen to my itch to make something. Even as a child I felt, what I know now, inspiration. I didn’t really know what to do with it then, but I learned that it is my wanting to create.
To view Scott's available works, contact Sargent's Daughters
What are you most proud of?
Recently I am most proud of myself. For letting myself be myself and for everything I’ve accomplished so far. It’s something that I really didn’t do for a long time and now I realize that it’s something I have to acknowledge.
What are you excited about?
I have five paintings in a group show at Sargents Daughters' new Tribeca location (370 Broadway in NYC) opening June 5th. I’m also always excited about antiques.
What’s on your coffee table?
I don’t have a coffee table, but it would be a messy pile of books and probably some Staffordshire dogs.
What’s hanging on your wall?
So much. Astier de Villate’s ceramic collaboration with John Derian, antique paintings, new paintings, mirrors, finished paintings that I stare at everyday.
What brings you joy?
A lot of things: my cat, painting, clothes, my family and friends, handbags, making people laugh, and ice cream.
What do you love most about New York?
I love that I can see everyone being themselves.
What can’t you live without?
I cannot live without Diet Dr. Pepper.
What could you do without?
I could do without a lot of things–I complain a lot. But as we head into pride month, I could do without judgment based upon gender expression.
What’s the last book that you read?
I didn’t finish it but, “Bunny Mellon The Life of An American Style Legend”
What’s the last song you listened to?
Clairo’s cover of “My Love Mine All Mine”
What’s the last interesting thing you saw?
The documentary, “The Jinx”
Favorite color?
Pink and Orange
Favorite piece in your wardrobe?
This is almost impossible to answer. I love this green and white polka dot skirt from J. Crew. I also love my green corduroy pants from Frances Valentine.
The Pride Stack
We're donating 100% of proceeds of our new Pride Stacked Bracelets to Lambda Legal, a national organization committed to achieving the full recognition of the civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities, and all persons living with HIV through impact litigation, public education, and policy work.